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Are you an Architect, a Self-builder, a Developer, a Student, a Modular Manufacturer, or a Component Manufacturer interested in Sustainable Modern Methods of Construction? It takes a village to address the housing crisis! These membership levels are tailored for you :

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Upload Content and show your unique approach
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Chat and Network both B2B and B2C
Offer downloadable content
Create directory listings and engage with customers.
Collaborate with PLACE to showcase models in innovative web 3 showrooms
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/per month
Personalized AI Assistant
Customized virtual meeting room
Promoted account for increased visibility
Premium support from trained AI assistants
Ability to upload and commercialize training material
Personalized service and support
Access to a custom web 3 showroom on Placeverse
Link your showroom to your own website for seamless integration
Bespoke Solution
Custom features tailored to your specific needs
Metaverse-like environments of developments and factories
Interactive 3D models of your design
Whole process gamification
Access to archiviz experts and software dev team
Quarterly Industry benchmarking